Screenshot of live Court Proceedings at the Chief Justice's Court of Gujarat High Court.

Gujarat HC begins live streaming of proceedings on experimental basis

In a significant move, the Chief Justice’s Court at the Gujarat High Court has begun live streaming of Court proceedings on YouTube from October 26 purely on an experimental basis.

The decision has been taken with a view to effectuating and broadening the implementation of the Open Court concept even during the virtual hearings of the Court.

The High Court also referred to the Model Video Conferencing Rules as prescribed by the e-Committee of the Supreme Court which inter-alia provides that the public will be allowed to view Court hearings conducted through video conferencing.

Chief Justice Vikram Nath and Justice J. B. Pardiwala.

The decision also made reference to the Supreme Court’s decision in Indira Jaising v. Secretary-General Supreme Court of India  (live streaming case) wherein the apex court had allowed live streaming of cases and asked for framing of guidelines to put in place the live streaming mechanism. In this case, the court had noted that the live streaming of cases would be an extension of the very idea of an open court. Live streaming of the proceedings, the judgement observed, is crucial for the dissemination of knowledge about judicial proceedings and granting full access to justice to the litigant.

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