Litigation Will Be Fun

Now we know the reason why

The top Milords were smiling

They had just returned from

A live demonstration on e-filing!


For those who missed the show

There is nothing to fear or dread

Here i am summarising for you

What our Hon’ble Chief has said..


“E-filing has brought the registry

Into the Chambers of advocates”

No paperwork shall trouble them

It will be so simple to take dates!


“Nothing can be simpler than this

Once all the steps are understood”

Once you get used to this system

You will realise that it’s so good!


“E-filing will make the work simpler”

No more shall things be deficient

Computers will work round the clock

And as you know,they are efficient!


We have thought of every aspect

There is no better method or way

We can’t be locked down indefinitely

COVID-19 seems determined to stay!


So please accept the present situation

“Changing mindset is half the battle won”

Once you master data entry operations

Litigation will once again be good fun…


The Leaflet