Representative Image Only


Courts have taken cognisance
As of course they must
Hundreds are losing lives
Inhaling smoke and dust

This is an old problem
No one offers any solution
But every year before Diwali
PILs focus on pollution

The Bench gets into action
Hauls authorities over coals
Gives directions,sets deadlines
For achieving well-worn goals

We wish someone applies mind
Stops lecturing and pauses
Understands why we are choking
What are the real causes?

Markets and projects boom
Tonnes of dust rises day and night
No one can dare to check them
Considering sponsors’ monied might

It is safer to blame slum-dwellers
Who cook with fire and wood
They have no clout or voice
Their plight is hardly understood

Before the administration
Is blamed for inaction and laches
They’ve banned firework displays
In ongoing World Cup matches

We know you wish to live long
So learn to hold your breath
And don’t elect the same guys
Who are hastening you to death.

The Leaflet