COVID-19 Advisories, Letters, Orders: A ready referencer

The Central Government on March 24 issued an order imposing a nationwide Lockdown to combat the Covid19 pandemic. The order contained consolidated guidelines/measures to be followed by the States and Union Territories for the containment of Covid19. Since then, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has been issuing multiple advisories, clarifications, letters, orders and addenda to the lockdown guidelines.

Here we have attempted to provide all such advisories, clarifications, letters, orders and addenda issued by the MHA so far for the ready reference of our readers.

  1. MHA’s order dated 24.03.2020 imposing 21 days nation-wise Lockdown can be read here
  2. MHA’s guidelines annexed to the above order providing measures to be taken by State Governments and Union Territories can be read here
  3. Recommendation of the National Disaster Management Authority for the nationwide Lockdown can be read here
  4. MHA’s order with an addendum to guidelines dated 24.03.2020 laying down additional categories of essential goods and services exempted under the Disaster Management Act, can be read here
  5. MHA’s letter to the States/UTS to ensure unhindered movement of essential goods & services during the nationwide lockdown to fight Covid19 can be read here
  6. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the first phase of Census 2021 and updation of NPR postponed until further orders. Details can be read here
  7. MHA’s letter written to the private security agency associations to adopt a humane approach & protect its workers and staff members from lay-offs during nationwide lockdown to fight COVID-19 can be read here
  8. MHA issued SOPs for maintaining the supply of essential goods during 21-day nationwide Lockdown to fight COVID-19. SoP can be read here
  9. MHA letter dated 26.03.2020 to all the States/UTs informing that the transportation/interstate movement of animal feed and fodder has been exempted as an essential service, from the restrictions under Disaster Management Act, 2005. The letter can be read here
  10. Second Addendum dated 27.03.2020 to MHA Order on Lockdown Measures laying down additional categories of essential goods and services, relating to agricultural operations, exempted under the Disaster Management Act, with respect to the 21- day lockdown. This can be read here
  11. MHA granted consular services on a gratis basis to foreign nationals, presently residing in India due to travel restrictions in the context of COVID-19 outbreak, till April 30 2020. Order can be read here
  12. MHA order dated 29.03.2020 restricting movement of migrants and strict enforcement of lockdown measures can be here
  13. MHA’s order dated 29.03.2020 constituting the Empowered Groups under the Disaster Management Act 2005 can be read here
  14. Status Report filed in Supreme Court of India by Government on measures taken in respect of COVID-19 on 31.03.2020 can be read here and here
  15. MHA released a note on the Tabligh activities in India. It can be read here
  16. MHA issued the third addendum to Lockdown guidelines. This addendum laid down additional categories of essential goods and services exempted under the Disaster Management Act 2005, with respect to the 21- day lockdown. It can be read here
  17. The Union Home Secretary wrote a letter dated 31.03.2020 to all the States/UTs to strictly implement lockdown measures in letter and spirit, by exercising their powers under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, to fight COVID-19. The letter can be read here
  18. MHA’s letter dated 02.04.2020 providing exemption to Specific Services related to Agri-produce Marketing, Anganwadi Workers and AYUSH from Lockdown Restrictions to fight COVID-19 can be read here
  19. MHA on 02.04.2020 issued an addendum to the Lockdown guidelines laying down SOPs for the transit of foreigners stranded in India and release of quarantined persons after being tested COVID-19 negative. SoP can be read here
  20. MHA blacklisted 960 foreigners, present in India on tourist visas, for their involvement in Tablighi Jamaat activities; necessary legal action to be taken. Details can be read here
  21. MHA’s letter dated 02.04.2020 to States/UTs to ensure smooth Disbursal of Money to beneficiaries of PM-GKY during 21-day Lockdown to fight COVID-19. It can be read here
  22. MHA letter dated 02.04.2020 to the States/UTS to widely publicize the Penal Provisions regarding Violations of Lockdown Measures to fight COVID-19 and to take strict action on Violators of Lockdown Measures. It can be read here, and here
  23. MHA letter to the States/UTs to take measures to fight Fake News in order to prevent Panic among People and spread of COVID-19 in India. It can be read here
  24. On April 3, MHA issued 4th Addendum to the Lockdown guidelines. This Addendum exempted from lockdown restrictions the shops of agricultural machinery, its spare parts (including its supply chain) and repair; truck repair shops on highways, preferably at fuel pumps; and Tea industry, including plantations with a maximum of 50% workers. It can be read here
  25. On April 3, the Union Home Secretary wrote to all States/UTs to ensure Smooth Harvesting and Sowing Operations, while maintaining Social Distancing, during 21-day Lockdown to fight COVID-19. The letter can be read here
  26. On April 6, MHA wrote to States to give special attention to keeping the supply of Medical Oxygen smooth and hassle-free across the country. Here are details
  27. On April 7, the Union Home Secretary wrote to all States/UTs to ensure availability of Essential Goods, by invoking provisions of the Essential Commodities (EC) Act 1955, under Lockdown to fight COVID-19. The letter can be read here
  28. On April 10, MHA directed all States/UTs to ensure strict compliance of lockdown measures to fight COVID—19 and not allow any social/religious gathering/procession. The letter can be read here
  29. On April 10, MHA issued 5thaddendum exempting from lockdown restrictions the operations of the Fishing (Marine)/Aquaculture Industry, including feeding and maintenance, harvesting, processing, packaging, cold chain, sale and marketing; hatcheries, feed plants, commercial aquaria, movement of fish/ shrimp and fish products, fish seed/feed and workers for all these activities. The addendum can be read here
  30. On April 12, MHA directed States to implement Lockdown Guidelines in letter & spirit to ensure smooth movement of Inter & Intrastate Cargo, Trucks, Workers and functioning of Warehouse/Cold Storages. The letter can be read here
  31. On April 12, MHA wrote to all States/ UTs to ensure compliance of Supreme Court directions on Welfare of Migrant Labourers housed at Relief Shelters/Camps. The letter can be read here
  32. On April 13, MHA granted consular services on a gratis basis to foreign nationals, presently residing in India due to travel restrictions in the context of COVID-19 outbreak, till April 30, 2020. Read details here
  33. On April 14, MHA extended the nationwide Lockdown till May 3, 2020. Order can be read here and consolidated Guidelines on the measures to be taken by Ministries/ Departments of Government of India, State/Union Territory Governments and State/ Union Territory Authorities for containment of COVID-19 can be read here
  34. On April 15, MHA issued revised consolated guidelines to be followed during extended Lockdown. It contained National Directives to be followed and SoP to be adhered to. It can be read here
  35. On April 15, Home Secretary wrote to the States/UTS clarifying certain activities not to be permitted in containment zones. It can be read here
  36. On April 16, MHA issued an order exempting certain activities regarding Minor Forest Produce, Plantations, NBFCs, Cooperative Credit Societies and Construction in Rural Areas from Lockdown Restrictions to fight COVID-19. The said order can be read here
  37. MHA issues advisory on the secure use of ZOOM App. Details can be read here
  38. MHA issued an order saying all existing Visas granted to Foreigners and all Incoming Passenger Traffic into India through Immigration Check Posts, except certain categories, to remain suspended till May 3, 2020. Order can be read here
  39. On April 19, MHA issued an order prohibiting the supply of Non-Essential Items through e-Commerce under Lockdown Restrictions to fight COVID-19. The said order can be read here
  40. On April 19, MHA issued SOPs for movement of stranded Migrant Labourers, within States/UTs where they are currently located, in wake of COVID-19 epidemic. No movement of labour to be permitted outside the State/UT where they are currently located. Read the SoP here
  41. On April 19, the Home Secretary wrote to States/UTs stating that while operations of e-commerce companies for non-essential goods stands prohibited, however, they will continue to operate for essential goods as has been allowed earlier and continue to be allowed under clause 13(i) of these guidelines. Read the letter here
  42. On April 20, MHA constituted 6 Inter-Ministerial Central Teams (IMCTs), two each for West Bengal and Maharashtra and one each for Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan to make an on-spot assessment of the situation and issue necessary directions to State Authorities for its redressal and submit their report to Central Government in the larger interest of the general public. Read details here
  43. On April 21, Government exempted additional Agricultural and Forestry items, Shops of Educational Books for Students and Shops of Electric Fans from Lockdown Restrictions to fight COVID19. Read the Order here
  44. On April 21, MHA wrote to States/UTs saying that In-house Care-givers of Senior Citizens, Prepaid mobile recharge utilities, Food processing units in urban areas exempt from Lockdown Restrictions to fight COVID-19. Read the letter here
  45. On April 21, Union Government directed West Bengal not to obstruct the working of Central Teams reg. review and on-spot assessment of the implementation of Lockdown measures to fight COVID19 in the State. Read the letter here
  46. On April 22, MHA wrote to States/UTs to ensure adequate security to Healthcare Professionals, Medical Staff and Frontline Workers to prevent violence against them. Read the letter here
  47. MHA clarified misplaced apprehensions of Industry Associations regarding Legal liability on Company CEOs if employees found COVID-19 positive. Read the letter here
  48. On April 24, Centre constituted Inter-Ministerial Central Teams (IMCTs), two for Gujarat and one each for Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra (area of responsibility of earlier constituted Mumbai-Pune team expanded). These teams would make an on-spot assessment of the situation and issue necessary directions to State Authorities for its redressal and submit their report to Central Government in the larger interest of the general public. Read details here
  49. On April 24, MHA issued order-allowing opening of certain categories of shops, except those in Single and Multi-brand Malls. Read the order here
  50. Clarification on MHA order allowing Opening of Shops can be read here
  51. The Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare issued an advisory against the spraying of disinfectant on people for COVID-19 management. Read it here
  52. MHA clarified that immigration functions in respect of arrival of mortal remains of Indian nationals/OCI cardholders are permitted subject to strict adherence to guidelines issued by Government on the management of COVID19 and submission of No objection/approval from MEA &Health Ministry. Read the order here
  53. President promulgated Ordinance providing stringent punishment against attack on ‘healthcare service personnel’. Details can be read here
  54. MHA letter to States/UTs to promote voluntary blood donation. The letter can be read here
  55. Letter of Union Health Minister to all the States/UTS to ensure sufficient availability of blood in blood banks. Read the letter here
  56. Guidelines to be followed on detection of suspect/confirmed COVID-19 case in a non-COVID Health Facility can be read here
  57. On April 29, MHA allowed inter-state movement of the migrant worker. Details can be read here
  58. On April 30, MHA wrote to the States/UTs to ensure the free movement of trucks/goods carriers, including empty trucks. Local authorities must not insist on separate passes at inter-state borders across the country. Read the Order here
  59. On May 1, MHA allowed the inter-state movement of stranded persons by running special trains. Read the Order here.
  60. On May 1, MHA extended nationwide Lockdown for two more weeks w.e.f. May 4. Issued revised guidelines. The order and guidelines can be read here.
  61. On May 3, MHA issued a clarification regarding the inter-state movement of stranded persons. The clarification can be read here
  62. On May 3, the Central Government decided to deploy as many as 20 Central Public Health Teams to send them to the 20 districts that are reporting the maximum number of COVID-19 cases in the country. Details can be read here
  63. On May 5, MHA issued Standard Operating Protocols (SoPs) for movement of India Nationals stranded outside the country and for movement of persons stranded in India who desirous to travel abroad.  Read the SoPs here
  64. On May 9, the MHA granted permission for opening of 3000 CBSE affiliated schools as assessment centres across India to evaluate CBSE Board exams answers sheets. Read the order here
  65. On May 10, Ministry of Railways announced the gradual resumption of select passenger services from May 12. Read details here
  66. On May 11, MHA wrote to the States/UTs asking them to allow smooth movement, including inter-state, of all medical professionals, paramedic staff, sanitation personnel & ambulances etc. The letter can be read here
  67. On May 11, MHA wrote to the States/UTs to ensure that migrant workers don’t resort to walking on the road and on railway tracks. They should appropriately be counselled, taken to nearby shelters & provided food, water till they are facilitated to board special train or buses to their native places. Read the letter here
  68. On May 11, MHA issued SOP for the movement of persons by train. Read the SOP here 
  69. On May 14, MHA allowed States/UTs to engage special buses to ferry the passengers arriving by train to their home. Read the letter here
  70. On May 15, MHA wrote to States/UTs to ensure that there is no movement of migrant workers walking on roads and railway tracks and the same is facilitated through special buses or ‘Shramik’ special trains. Read letter here
  71. On May 16, NDMA developed an online Dashboard namely National Migrant Information System (NMIS) – a central online repository on Migrant Workers to facilitate their seamless movement across States. MHA asked States to upload data on NMIS Dashboard for better coordination. Read the letter here
  72. On May 17, Government of India extended nationwide lockdown till May 31. Read the order here
  73. On May 18, MHA wrote to States/UTs on proactive coordination among States and Railways to run more trains for the smooth transport of Migrant Workers. Read the letter here
  74. On May 19, MHA revised SoP for the movement of Stranded Workers by trains. States to share requests for trains with Railways, make suitable arrangements for sending/receiving people. Train Schedule including ticket booking to be publicised by Railways Health protocols to be strictly followed Read SoP here
  75. On May 20, MHA amended its guidelines dated May 17 to the effect that it deleted “domestic air travel passengers” from list of prohibited activities. Read the order here
  76. On May 20, MHA granted permission to States to conduct Board examination for classes 10th & 12th, with few conditions like social distancing, face mask etc, for the safety of teachers, students and staff. Read the order here
  77. On May 20, Ministry of Railways in consultation with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) and Ministry of Home Affairs decided that train services on Indian Railways shall be further partially restored w.e.f. from 01st June 2020. Read full details here
  78. On May 21, Ministry of Civil Aviation decided for recommencement of domestic air travel of passengers with effect from 25th May 2020. It also issued General Instructions: Guidelines to be followed by passengers; and Specific Operating Guidelines for major stakeholders (Airlines, Airport Operators, Gmund Handling Agencies, etc.). Read the full document here
  79. On May 24, MHA issued revised SOP for the movement of Indian Nationals stranded outside the country and for specified persons to travel abroad. Read the SOP here.
  80. On May 30, MHA issued order extended lockdown in containment zones till June 30 and issued guidelines for phase-wise re-opening of areas outside the Containment Zones. Read the order here
  81. On November 25, MHA issued Guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and Caution. Read the Guidelines here

[Note: This post will continue to get updated as and when new order/advisory/clarification is issued by the MHA.]

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