The Council has spoken

In testing times for all lawyers

Everyone was wondering why

Nothing had been forthcoming

From their powerful body,the BCI?


It is not as if it was lying idle

It has always been in the news

But mostly for the wrong reasons

Involving clash of egos and views


If cognizance of their problems

By their Bar Councils is not taken

Advocates all across the country

Feel utterly forlorn and forsaken


After two months of court closure

Bar Council has finally spoken

One hopes it’s grievances are met

With responses not merely token


It expects every court to function

Without COVID fear and any favour

So that seniors and juniors alike

The benefits of practice can savour


Perhaps for the first time in history

It has ignited a welcome spark

By speaking not just for the juniors

But also for the suffering court clerk!


In every progressive social change

Lawyers have been active at the front

In times of such unprecedented crisis

Only a united Bar can bear the brunt!


By making all liquor shops operational

The Powers garnered praise and cheer

But rendering the real Bar inoperational

Has made semblance of law disappear …

The Leaflet