
Keep God out!

Raju Z Moray

We know you may wish to get even
In politics against all odds
But reserve your muck for humans
Why do you involve the gods?

We often hear complicated cases
Lay down many don'ts and do's
But never did we expect that one day
On our roster plate, we'd have laddoos!

Gone are days of logical argument
Submissions nowadays are so shallow
What great constitutional issues arise
If you say some ghee has tallow?

We do not usually feel so perturbed
But this we must clearly express
Your allegations of purported sacrilege
Seem tailor-made for the Press

Anyone with power, resources, money
Can indulge in a lot of dirty tricks
But we are saying this loud and clear
Keep God out of courts and politics

Raju Moray writes a regular column for The Leaflet, titled 'Adalat Antics'.

If you love the smell of paper along with spicy satire and the ring of laughter, Raju Moray's new book Tales of Law & Laughter is out now.