
Helpful milords

Raju Z Moray

For amending Constitution
One needs majority's crown
Till then the helpful milords
Can always water it down

Bleeding hearts for the poor
Sometimes coalitions stitch
But power has mostly been
With the rich and for the rich

'Secularism' and 'socialism'
Are no longer touchstones
Rulers prefer that Benches
Have their ideological clones

A politician's job is very risky
Anytime electorate may fire
But milords once appointed
Serve faithfully till they retire

When Big Chief trains his gun
On a past acknowledged great
We, the people, should reflect
Upon nation's destiny and fate.

Raju Moray writes a regular column for The Leaflet, titled 'Adalat Antics'.

If you love the smell of paper along with spicy satire and the ring of laughter, Raju Moray's new book Tales of Law & Laughter is out now.