Representative Image only. Courtesy: Reuters - Rupak De Chowdhuri

A Plethora of Treatments

This was bound to happen
Of that we were pretty sure;
As coronavirus settled down
Everyone would moot a cure!

We must attend to business
Our economy must be on track;
There is enough scope in India
For scientist as well as quack.

Some were singing praises
About efficacy of the vaccine;
Others were extolling virtues
Of consuming cow urine!

Products flooded the market
To inhale, inject, apply or drink;
With a plethora of treatments
We were given no time to think.

The internet was full of options
To guide each and every breath;
And if none of the cures worked
TRPs would shoot up for death!

The gullible are easily looted,
Most attractive is mostly fake;
When corporate giants do battle
A lot more than lives is at stake.

Quarantined, forced into isolation
Like prisoners wait for release
The ordeal of being hospitalized
Seems far worse than the disease

A beardo who ridiculed allopathy
Promptly got slapped with a suit,
I am rejoicing for learned friends
They too can profit from the loot.

(Raju Z. Moray is a Mumbai-based lawyer who enjoys writing poems. He is the author of two books ‘Court Jester'(2017) and ‘The Locked Down Lawyer'(2020))

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