Large number of frivolous cases making the system dysfunctional: Justice Chandrachud

JUSTICE DY Chandrachud Tuesday expressed anguish at the increase in frivolous petitions filed in the Supreme Court.

The observation was made by Justice Chandrachud while hearing a miscellaneous application filed in an already decided matter. He termed the application frivolous.

“When I went through the board today, 95 percent of the cases were frivolous. The system is becoming dysfunctional because of this. Instead of dealing with important cases, we are coming across frivolous cases”, he remarked

Frivolous cases, the judge said, were taking away judges’ time and attention from matters of national importance. He had wanted to dictate an order in the Covid19 case and have it uploaded on the website yesterday but he could not due to time spent on reading matters listed for today, he said.

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