Goa court acquits Tarun Tejpal of 2013 sexual harassment and rape charge

A trial court in Goa Friday acquitted former editor-in-chief of Tehelka, Tarun Tejpal, of charges of sexual harassment and rape of his colleague in a hotel elevator in 2013.

Tejpal was facing prosecution for offences under Sections 354 (assault or criminal force with intent to outrage modesty), 354A ((sexual harassment), 354B (assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to disrobe),) 341 (wrongful restraint), 342 (wrongful confinement), 376 (2)(f) (person in position of authority over women, committing rape) and 376(2)(k) (rape by person in position of control).

Tejpal was granted bail in 2014 by the Supreme Court.

A trial court on September 28, 2017, framed charges against Tejpal, which he challenged in the Bombay High Court. The plea was dismissed.

On August 19, 2019, the Supreme Court also dismissed his appeal and directed the trial court to wind up the trial within six months.

The top court had observed at that time that the allegations against the appellant of sexual abuse were very serious, affecting the dignity of a woman.

It was, the court said, the most morally and physically reprehensible crime in a society and an assault on the mind and privacy of the victim, the trial of which was required to be decided and disposed of at the earliest.

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