The Indispensable Mask

The most popular apparel

If anyone were to ask

Would probably have to be

The indispensable mask!


Whether you from others

Or others from you

It protects like an angel

Is mandatory whatever you do …


Even attending a wedding

Then posing without mask

Can invite exemplary fines

If judges take you to task!


Debtors pass by creditors

Boldly without a trace

It is no longer discreditable

To cover & hide your face


There was no right to be seen

Only a right to be heard

The mask has fitted in nicely

In bringing immunity to the herd


Without clinics and parlours

It’s utility has increased ample

From blocking bad breath

To hiding that boiling pimple!


Dissenting voices are saying

The mask is an unsafe bloke

If you go for a run with him

He can make you gasp & choke


Those who pretend to know

And attempt to appear wiser

Are saying forsake the mask

And be loyal only to sanitizer


But can one risk a sneeze

And being taken to task?

So I guess it’s safe to assume

We’ll be living with the mask …


The Leaflet