“Procedural impropriety” shown by CJI, says resolution of Supreme Court Advocates on Record Association

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]HE Supreme Court Advocates On Record Association (SCAORA) today passed a resolution expressing deep reservation against the shown against the “procedural impropriety” shown by the Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi while dealing with the allegations of sexual harassment against him on the judicial side on April 20, 2019.

“The allegation of the ex-employee of the Supreme Court have to be dealt with as per the established procedure of law and law must be applied in each and every case uniformly,” read the resolution.

The resolution further says “It is therefore resolved that the Supreme Court Advocates on Record Association strongly disapproves the manner in which the complaint was dealt with and seeks enquiry and action in the above matter and further seeks immediate appointment of a committee headed by a full court of the Supreme Court to impartially investigate and inquire into the allegations made against the Hon’ble Mr Justice Ranjan Gogoi, and give independent finding into the matter”.


Also Read: ‘CJI Ranjan Gogoi sexually harassed me’: Former Supreme Court employee, SC Secretary General’s office denies allegations


Read the Resolution:


The Leaflet