Let’s Get Vaccinated

Let us get vaccinated and let’s do it pretty soon
To so many things we need to become immune

We commence every day with news of daily capers
Deaths and disasters are jostling our newspapers

Switch on TV channels to view primetime deaths
Find tips on how to preserve your balance breaths

As statisticians are daily juggling many numbers
Truth lies simmering somewhere in dying embers

Desperate citizens are now rushing to the judges
If not for a shove, at least for meaningful nudges

With thousands without oxygen gasping for breath
Babas and Yogis hold forth on inevitability of death

For those who are feeling lost that IPL was no more
Betting has shifted to the daily new infections score

Let us get vaccinated while the needle can still go in
After some time, like leaders, we may get a thick skin

After our shot, we must remember it was given free
Oh, Argumentative Indian how grateful you must be!

(Raju Z Moray is an advocate who practices in the Bombay High Court when not puncturing bloated egos while the Freedom of Expression is still a Fundamental Right! He is the creator of ‘Gobble D. Gook’, his alter-ego, who figured in the ‘Court Jester’ columns of ‘The Lawyers’. The views expressed are personal.) 
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