Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa supports Supreme Court ruling against Prashant Bhushan

Amidst the chorus in support of prominent lawyer Prashant Bhushan, the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa which claim to represent the interests of 1,75,000 lawyers has passed a resolution against Bhushan and in support of the Supreme Court’s decision holding him guilty of criminal contempt.



“The action of these institutional disruptors through name calling and usage of certain phrases such as ‘Supreme Court has destroyed democracy’, the Supreme Court is killing the Constitution have tendency to destroy the faith of the public in the judiciary “, the resolution states.

It adds “the efforts of pressurizing the Hon’ble judges, by making reckless statements are in total derogation of the Constitution of India. Anyone who maligns the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India must be dealt as per law”.

The resolution terms it “unfortunate” that lawyers indulge in making scandalous and scurrilous remarks against the Top Court when their “political ends” are not served.

“While legitimate and bona fide criticism of the Courts as well the system has always existed, “calculated and malicious” attacks on the Court undermine its dignity”, the resolution states.



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