Uttar Pradesh: Oudh Bar Association reiterates demand for expanding Lucknow bench’s jurisdiction

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]HE Oudh Bar Association (OBA) has demanded that the jurisdiction of the High Court at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh be expanded. The association on Wednesday wrote a letter to the Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court, seeking “action in the larger interest of public at large”

The association has stressed on attaching territorial jurisdiction of Kanpur, Bareilly and Moradabad revenue divisions with the Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court.

The OBA referred to the Jaswant Singh Commission report which had recommended “the enlargement of jurisdiction of High Court of UP (Allahabad High Court) sitting at Lucknow beyond the territories of area of Oudh and also recommending the establishment of a Bench of Allahabad High Court in western region of UP”.

“The Jaswant Singh Commission report kept on lying and, obviously for vested interests, and no positive decision was taken on the said report dated August 30, 1985 and the same unfortunately is still gathering dust with Government of India,” the letter read.

“A legal system that works to serve the community is better than the academic conception of a bevy of platonic guardians unresponsive to public needs”, it said, referring to the Jaswant Singh Commission report.

The OBA asserted that UP is the largest state of the country, however, the principle of the convenience of the litigant public has not been taken into consideration and has been given a go by.

Arguing the discomfort the litigants pass through, OBA said that “a litigant from Saharanpur and various other western districts have to pass through Lucknow for filing cases in High Court at Allahabad but he cannot file case in Lucknow”.

Referring to the Supreme Court judgment in Nasiruddin v State Transport Appellate Tribunal [AIR (1976) SC 331], the OBA stated that Allahabad is not the principal and permanent seat of High Court. It also raised the demand for establishment of a separate Bench from western Uttar Pradesh.

The Leaflet