Supreme Court Collegium proposes to swap Meghalaya- Madras high court chief justices

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]HE Supreme Court Collegium on Tuesday, September 03, recommended transfer of Chief Justice V K Tahilramani of Madras High Court to the Meghalaya High Court, and proposed to transfer the Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court, Justice AK Mittal to the Madras High Court.

The Collegium consisting of Chief Justice of India RanjanGogoi, Justices S ABobde, N V Ramana, Arun Mishra and R F Narimanturned downthe representation made by Justice Tahilramaniand declined to accede to the request of the Chief Justice of Madras High Court Justice Tahilramani to reconsider the proposal to transfer her to the Meghalaya High Court. It went on to reiterate its recommendations dated August 28 for transfer of Justice Tahilramani to Meghalaya High Court. The Collegium in its resolution asserted that “it is not possible to accede to her request”.

On September 3, the Collegium also recommended the transfer of three judges including Justice Amit Rawal of Punjab & Haryana High Court to the Kerala High Court, Justice Vivek Agarwal, Judge, Madhya Pradesh High Court to Allahabad High Court; and Justice PV Sanjay Kumar of the Telangana High Court to Punjab & Haryana High Court

On August 28, Chief Justice Tahilramani, Justice Rawaland Justice Agarwal were requested to send their response in terms of the Memorandum of Procedure on Collegium’s proposals to transfer them to Meghalaya High Court, Kerala High Court, and Allahabad High Court respectively.

Justice Rawal in his representation dated September 2 had requested the Collegium to reconsider the proposal of their transfer. Justice Agarwal had conveyed his consent requesting the Collegium to consider his posting within the State of Madhya Pradesh High Court.

However, the Collegium’s decision to transfer Justice PV Sanjay Kumar of the Telangana High Court to the Punjab & Haryana High Court has attracted criticism from Telangana Advocate’s Association, who are on strike from the last one week against the transfer.

The Leaflet