Vikas Dubey was a wanted criminal over the last 20 years. He had more than 60 criminal cases pending against him, including charges of murder and kidnapping. Yet, none of the governments that came and went in UP arrested him or made any efforts to stop him. This poem was written yesterday, and it anticipated an encounter. It is being published today with a post-script.



Our Great Leader

Always spoke of Vikas

(And we wondered what that was)


But Vikas was growing all the time

In Bikru, Chaubeypur…everywhere

(When Maha-kaal summoned he was there!)


Great Time catches up with all

And Vikas wanted to be caught

(Because it is better than being shot)


Now Vikas is safe in custody

No one should ask “Where is Vikas?”

(Or how did he an arsenal amass)


Who doesn’t wish to encounter Vikas?

Everyone wants a share in Progress

(But sometimes they get bad press)


If Vikas disappears…is no more

We can find Vikas again

(Our search never goes in vain)


We may even find Vikas at our door

Seeking our most valuable vote

(That’s how progress always stays afloat)




Progress sadly met with an accident

It was limping… but still tried to run

(Its monitors therefore had to use the gun!)



(The author is an advocate at the Bombay High Court and author of the book ‘Court Jester’)

The Leaflet