Mumbai lawyers are sulking

This season brought early rain

But our mighty milords are not

Allowing them to travel by train.


Comfortable in their chambers

Milords don’t experience the pain

Of those wanting access to justice

But not getting access to a train!


Especially hit are the majority

Forced to commute from afar

It is heartless to expect them

To spend thousands daily on a car.


The Bar too took up the issue

Its representation seems in vain

Milords couldn’t figure out why

So many lawyers insist on train.


Milords hear counsel every day

Having good standing at the Bar

Not one of them ever complains

They can afford Ola, Uber, or car.


What if Covid too travels by train?

Milords don’t want that ugly stain

Isn’t it better to be home and starve

Than get infected in a local train?


For you, trains may be your lifeline

For milords, this is an experts domain

If the docs say it is not safe as yet

No lawyer can board the local train!


No work means no income

To whom should we complain?

Milords who get pay and perks

And don’t have to travel by train?


(Raju Z. Moray is a Mumbai-based lawyer who enjoys writing poems. He is the author of two books ‘Court Jester’, 2017, and ‘The Locked Down Lawyer’ 2020.)

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