Our incomes disappear

Many of my learned friends
With quite divergent views
Miraculously are ad idem
On point of payment of dues

Real courtrooms are all shut
Essentials have become dear
And in such times its painful
To see our incomes disappear

Everyone has a tale to tell
Of being left without choices
The same tale is everywhere
Of work done & unpaid invoices..

A lawyer’s world is very cruel
Where do they go for relief?
Advocates Welfare Funds exist
Yet many lawyers come to grief

Worst off are budding juniors
So far away from home towns
No scope of any work or income
Bearing the brunt of lockdowns

Not all the Firms and Chambers
Are being model employers
Which has left associates feeling
Why did we become lawyers?

A Council that’s supposed to help
Is busy with its own games & tricks
A good Organisation has fallen prey
To a coronavirus of dirty politics!

Many are thus left on the brink
Not sure whether to be or not to be
I hope that everyone’s clients clear
Their outstanding hard-earned fee!

The Leaflet