Lawyers going broke

An aspect of the legal profession

All knew, though not many spoke

Is that the side-effects of lockdown

Have made many lawyers go broke.


They weren’t able to leave houses

To their law-offices had no access

The flow of clients just evaporated

Leaving their households in a mess


Those who treasured independence,

In practice found pleasures unalloyed

Wonder if the salaried option was better

Than the burden of being un-employed


Neither Bar leaders nor Associations

Treat law practice as service essential

Resultantly, justice stayed locked down

While we debated ‘Real versus Virtual’


Milords lobby for a total digital switch

Stake holders too actively propagate

With no subsidy for the infrastructure

Court practitioners are in a sorry state.


The sudden unlocking of the courts

Led to an explosion of the desperate

Lawyers and litigants were queuing up

For two hours just to cross the gate


Unlocked practice is unsatisfactory

Justice delivery is still at a standstill

Well-equipped few are urgently heard

Majority have to struggle hard, uphill …


The Leaflet