THE Calcutta High Court’s Justice Sabyasachi Bhattacharyya Friday ran out of patience with continuous disruptions during a virtual hearing and said it was unfortunate that the court was unable to provide the minimum virtual services and connectivity in order to ensure that justice is rendered appropriately.
He decided not to hold court until the connectivity issues were fully resolved.
“I have taken an oath to deliver justice to the litigants, who are outside the court rooms and beyond the reaches of the air-conditioned rooms accommodating the judges, toiling in the sun and the dust outside”, the judge said.
“Fie on the system which cannot deliver justice to its citizens”, the judge said.
“Sitting in court and playing dumb charades during virtual hearings with the advocates, due to major disruptions in virtual services, has become a joke by now and does not tantamount to adjudication of matters but is a mere circus on show before the public”, Justice Bhattacharyya said.
“I personally feel guilty, as a part of this court, since disruption and interference in functioning of courts, in whatever form, might amount to criminal contempt. I am a party to such act as a part of the showcase of judges who are adorning this court, including the Chief Justice”, an upset Justice Bhattacharyya said.
The judge said the continuous interference in virtual hearings had become a regular feature and he felt ashamed that their esteemed Chartered High Court, which has an illustrious history, is being relegated to such insignificance that “we cannot render justice to the litigants at large due to mere connectivity issues.”
The judge directed the Central Project Coordinator to show cause in writing as to why contempt proceedings should not be drawn up against the High Court Administration, including the Registrar General and the Central Project Coordinator, in particular, for criminal contempt of court due to continuous interference in virtual hearings in each and every matter.