
THIS is an era of excavations
Something to which we all relate
I too remembered an ancient case
And started digging to excavate

Excavation was at a site of briefs
To find a particularly ancient one
It was laden with several layers
Adding to the mystery and the fun

The purpose of this excavation
Was as old as the rivers and hills
It was to locate that elusive client
Who’d forgotten to settle my bills

By now everyone in my Chambers
Was curious to reach the pile base
The thought of raking in something
Ignited an avid interest in the case

The excavation in the pile of briefs
Led to a discovery of several more
Which were filed and soon forgotten
We wondered what more was in store?

Finally the juniors struck the last layer
Though it had taken them quite awhile
But the temptation of unbilled matters
Had made this excavation worthwhile

Having finally excavated the sought brief,
They dialled the client.Got his son instead.
He heard how diligently we had managed
And informed us that our client was dead!