
With tons of paper mountains
Legal system is in a big mess
The time is now ripe to graduate
From paper work to paperless!

It is not just political leaders
Who fight for our great nation
Our forthcoming Super Chief
Fights a battle for digitisation

To build flyovers and highways
One may sacrifice monuments
For going green and filing digital
We must get rid of all documents!

If proof that this works is needed
You need not go too far to seek
Visit chamber of paperless milord
A “self-confessed technology geek”!

Being paperless is advantageous
It’s just like going without a brief
Since everything is so accessible
No client need come to any grief

The record rooms will be empty
With a computer in every house
With arguments in bytes, not barks
Win cases with a click of a mouse!

Precious judicial time shall be saved
Litigants shall not complain or weep
Lawyers would still be very expensive
But “access to justice” will be cheap!