Cleaning up!

“What is this big mountain?
What is its name my dears?”
“Sir, it is that magic mountain
Which we have named arrears!”

Oh my God, it’s that monster!
It must forthwith be demolished
To save our reputation which
Must forever remain polished

Issue circular, list old matters
Summon parties to appear
If nothing or no one has survived
Let’s make them all disappear!

A rare lis may still be alive
Though clients and lawyers died
We shall hear those first
Let none say we never tried!

Find the infructuous cases
Dig out every tattered file
Send notices to all the AoRs
Whether alive, dead or senile

This is a question of our legacy
Of saving a system going bust
Of Milords who use the broom
On all matters gathering dust

Please don’t forget the cases
Which are already ‘covered’
By case law that was laid long
Before our interns discovered

In that digital future of justice
When history is written or seen
Let all know what we did
To keep our records clean!

Raju Moray writes a regular column for The Leaflet, titled ‘Adalat Antics‘.

If you love the smell of paper along with spicy satire and the ring of laughter, Raju Moray’s new book Tales of Law & Laughter is out now.

The Leaflet