Is it possible to revive
A patient who has died?
Legally, this is possible
If a ‘curative injection’ is tried!
In litigations and arbitrations
Can there be any finality
Till there is some legal bar
On ingenuity or stupidity?
When challenge to an award
Was rejected by milords Supreme
Imagining it was just temporary
Was like a mid-summer dream!
When even the inevitable review
Was ceremoniously thrown out
About that being really the end
All were left with hardly any doubt
The law was laid by old milords
Who’d retired, weren’t active
Other milords who didn’t like them
Decided to use route curative!
After years a settled position
Was thus put in limbo again
System’s credibility goes for a toss
Only for black coats there is gain!
Litigants should think thrice
Before moving the courts
Unless they love gambling
Or are into betting sports!