Barbs & Stings

One really needs to ask why this happens?

Why all this post-retirement hue and cry?

Why people become so fond of dirty linen?

Especially when the launderer is our ex-CJI …?


With parliamentarian’s aura pugnacious

Aiming blows at ex-brethren’s solar plexus

Not only has he looked askance at ‘activism’

But exposed an unholy lawyer-judge nexus!


So many are frothing at his disclosures

And are lashing out with unprintable things

But does all this not lead one to suspect

That there may be truth in his barbs & stings?


If judges have been favouring select lawyers

With a view to get arbitrations after they retire

It exposes a deep dishonesty in their mindset

What confidence in young lawyers can it inspire?


All the hidden muck has come out in the open

Because of an ex- CJI’s Rajya Sabha nomination

Instead of finger-pointing at the persons involved

Should we not lament the judiciary of our Nation?


And if one assumes these allegations are false

To scandalise the judiciary a pathetic attempt

Why haven’t the watchdogs of our Constitution

Hauled up the rumour-mongerer for Contempt?

The Leaflet