A locust in the sky!

A massive dark cloud is hovering
As the globe gets unusually warm
As if they are some guests from hell
People now dread the locusts’ swarm!

For these migrants unity is strength
But they’ve never queued up for dole
As soon as they’ve spotted green fields
They’ve descended to achieve their goal.

No one can regulate their movement
As they don’t respect national borders
If anybody shows them some circulars
They’ll immediately chew up the orders!

Too bad we’re not born free like locusts
Tradition and education rule our brain
We plead, we petition, move our motions
Yet seldom manage reliefs for our pain!

Locusts have learnt skills by practice
They are not well-versed in rule of law
Like political people we have known
They ate what they desired and saw!

When I watch heart-wrenching scenes
Doesn’t matter where, when and why?
I wish instead of being an advocate,
I was that dreaded locust in the sky …


The Leaflet