A Duty of Care

You may be genuinely ailing
And seeking help at my gate
But I cannot admit & treat you
If you are not from my State!

Before calling this very selfish
Of it’s consequences beware
We’re bound to care for our own
To whom we owe a duty of care

The others should not risk delay
Else COVID-19 will seal their fate
For urgent medical treatment
They must petition their State

Of course their free treatment
Their State will have to approve
And for availing of such schemes
Their domicile they must prove

They may be citizens of India
(We can’t assume that for now)
If they seek Central assistance
They must convince us somehow

Our is a robust federal structure
With one Centre and many States
Our success can be measured
By the queues outside our gates

The welfare of all it’s own people
Is the prime object of every State
But if things spin out of control
Even they have to rely on their fate!

The State can impose penalties
If it’s citizens mislead on oath or lie
It can also put them behind bars
If it catches them before they die …


The Leaflet