Several snobs residing in housing societies

Imagine that diseases are spread by the poor

That is why before allowing entry to house-helps

Onerous conditions were imposed to make sure


“She must wear masks & gloves, be sanitized

Temperature should be recorded at the door”

And the bosses would migrate to the AC rooms

While the house-help scrubbed away the floor


If yesterday’s leftovers were lying in the fridge

They would magnanimously donate that feed

Sanctimoniously hoping that from heaven above

Some God had been watching their good deed!


When with the lockdown many of their helpers

Chose a long walk back to freedom and home

Sahibs and memsahibs ventured out to poach

Other peoples helps who had come out to roam


When a suitable candidate was finally located

It was an example of poetic justice at its best

As the candidate before discussing any work

Said “Show me report of your negative Covid test”


The Leaflet