Law-merick: In memory of those who always lose the plot

[dropcap]G[/dropcap]OBBLE D Gook was amused to read the news from Humbug City about retired Lords from Humbug Hi moving their sitting counterparts for judicial relief to avoid paying the crores demanded by the authorities towards commercial exploitation of the property leased to them by the Government many years ago at concessional rates.

Needless to say, the recumbent lords succeeded in winning their case before the incumbent ones who quashed all demand notices issued by the Collector and inter alia questioned the authorities why the lessee judges had not been made owners of this property so far!Can a mere Collector alone have the right to collect?

This was a historic case in Humbug City, in the bad old days circa 1983 recalls Gook.

A prime plot of foreshore land, close to the corridors of power got reserved in the Master Plan for “housing the dishoused”!
Some Lords discovered this plot during their morning constitutional and “requested” the Government to allot it to them.

Most ministers were fans of The Godfather and knew that when Milords asked for something to be offered to them, it was an offer you dare not refuse.

So Milords got the plot for a song and put up an imposing building upon it to reside in once they fell in the category of “dishoused” from government apartments post their retirements.

Since they had grabbed this tempting candy meant for the weaker sections by behaving like street bullies, they named their building “Equity”!

When the Lessor, i.e., Government saw that Milords had even started letting out their self-contained servants quarters on leave & licence basis and making huge profits, they demanded a hike in lease rent for commercial user.

That was a grave mistake.

Bullies never share the candies they grab.

And now, with the children of these Lords on the bench of Humbug Hi, their friends have rushed to their assistance out of natural love and affection and quashed all demands made against these retired Lords of “Equity”.

It seems they have suddenly discovered that they were not heard in the matter!

Gook wonders if the real dishoused ever get heard when plots reserved for them are unscrupulously swallowed whole by pot-bellied politicians and power-crazed Milords.

This Law-merick is in memory of those who always lose the plot..

For ‘Their Lordships’ allotment
The laws invariably get bent

For there is no stress
In Government largess

And it ensures Milords’ contentment!