“You will not let this country live in peace”, remarks CJI as he throws out petition seeking permission to pray at undisputed land in Ayodhya

[dropcap]A[/dropcap] two-judge bench of the Supreme Court comprising Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi and Justice Sanjiv Khanna today dismissed an appeal filed by one Pandit Amar Nath Mishra, Chairman of the Brahmin Sansad, against an Allahabad High Court order denying him permission to carry out religious activities in nine old temples housing situated on the undisputed acquired land adjacent to the Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi complex.

“You will not let this country live in peace,” CJI Gogoi remarked when the matter came up for hearing before his bench today.

The Supreme Court also refused to waive off costs of Rs.5 lakh imposed by the division bench of the Allahabad High Court on the petitioner.  

The Brahmin Sansad is a body established for specifically espousing the cause of Brahmins.

“The deities in the said temples are snoozing due to lack of any religious activity,” the petitioner had submitted before the Allahabad High Court, while pointing out that though “a rightist Hindu party” was at the helm of affairs at the Centre and the state of Uttar Pradesh, “they were turning a blind eye to the initiation of religious activity in 16 ancient temples situated on the acquired but undisputed land”.

The High Court speaking through Justices  Dr. Devendra Kumar Arora and  Narendra Kumar Johari, while dismissing the petition had observed.

“The Advocate, who has filed the instant writ petition is well versed with the proceedings which were going on before a Full Bench in this Court and the Hon’ble Supreme Court being seized of the matter, but even then, such a relief has been sought. Moreover, when the Apex Court has passed an order of status quo for the undisputed and disputed site, this Court has no power to enlarge or modify the said order in any manner”.

The Leaflet