This landmark decision
From our Milords wise
Wasn’t anything judicial
But about the paper size!
They had hinted earlier
And discussed it before
When the diktat came
It was a victory for A4!
Enforcement happened
Leaving many in shock
As time was inadequate
To get rid of ledger stock.
In Mumbai, we were used
To our ledger legal green
It’s just waste paper now
Bereft of litigation scene.
It is not at all surprising
That in an age of the App
Fools continue to flourish
But we will banish foolscap!
It is not that we dislike
The standard A4 white
Just that we associated
Ledger with legal might.
Colour or size of paper
Will not reduce any fees
Litigants should be happy
For saving some trees!
Instead of just cutting size
Why not cut disposal time?
Is it too much to expect
Decisions in one’s lifetime?
(Raju Z. Moray is a Mumbai-based lawyer who enjoys writing poems. He is the author of two books ‘Court Jester'(2017) and ‘The Locked Down Lawyer'(2020))