It shall happen gradually
But there won’t be a long wait
The latest mission for rulers
Is to catch you and vaccinate.
It’s now a huge competition
And records are being broken
Such stunts don’t fool any
They are never real, but token.
The biggest challenge now is
To persuade people to agree
To permit invasion in bodies
Of an inactive virus for free!
They will say it’s not mandatory
That it will always be a choice
That’s like saying you can talk
But we mustn’t hear your voice!
Vaccines are known to be risky
As coronavirus rides on breath
These pokes are being touted as
Speed-breakers on road to death.
The populace is fully confused
There won’t be any time to repent
If all those queuing up for a shot
Are just part of a big experiment!
The compulsions will soon come
If one goes by the daily reports
Already there have been those who
Have taken recourse to law courts.
In the adversarial arena as usual
All parties will have their say
And the ruling given will indicate
The rulers have again had their way.
(Raju Z. Moray is a Mumbai-based lawyer who enjoys writing poems. He is the author of two books ‘Court Jester’ (2017) and ‘The Locked Down Lawyer’ (2020))