In the wake of the Attorney General’s consent to contempt of Court proceedings against stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra over the latter’s tweets on the Supreme Court which the AG had opined were contemptuous, RAJU Z MORAY pens a poem to say that going ahead with the contempt case against Kamra will be a waste of precious judicial time, and the system will have to pay the price for it.


Among the many fires to stoke

The one that rouses an old man

Is the telling of a Supreme Joke

As only a stand-up comic can


Humorists don’t dress up wounds

They love to rub some salt in

Thus funny tales are remembered

After boring judgments are forgotten


The greatest of all our freedoms

A freedom which cannot be bought

Is the freedom to voice our feelings

To tweet an irreverent thought


When Milords develop allergies

Forget what it is to be a sport

There is a multitude itching to say

Honour has indeed left the court


A busy old man is bombarded

By a flood of requests to sue

To save himself from drowning

He says do what you want to do!


The authorised ones are happy

Anticipating moments of glory

The alleged contemnor is smiling

He has a platform to tell his story!


To protect the majesty of the law

Precious judicial time will be lost

An anchor will scream his head off

And the system will bear the cost..


(Raju Z Moray is an advocate who practices law in the Bombay High Court when not puncturing bloated egos. He is the creator of ‘Gobble D. Gook’, his alter-ego, who figured in the ‘Court Jester’ columns of ‘The Lawyers’.)

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