Representative Image only.

As a Nation we are adept at playing a game
Which has become viral as “Who do we blame?”

In theory we are proud of our multiple abilities
But who is willing to assume responsibilities?

When the whole dirty floor really needs a mop
We seem interested only in vacuuming the top!

Having lost all touch with paper, pen and ink
We even seem to have forgotten how to think!

Since we don’t want complacent minds to strain
We let readymades economize use of our brain

As long as a story has some sensation to rake
We willingly swallow even the obviously fake!

Experts on TV channels struggling to look wise
Exercise just one right:To complain and criticize!

About grassroot issues they seem to have no clue
All are willing to advise what to do,but none to do!

Is anyone today really keen on having on their plate
A wholesome, informed, sober, intellectual debate?

To sacrifice solid facts for ephemeral sensations
Is the actual virus that has overwhelmed all Nations…

Raju Z. Moray is a Mumbai-based lawyer who enjoys writing poems.He is the author of two books ‘Court Jester'(2017) and ‘The Locked Down Lawyer'(2020)
The Leaflet