Supreme Court Collegium met on Feb 12 for the appointments of judges at five High Courts, relaxes the income criterion belonging to SC/ST/OBC [Read the Full Report]

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Supreme Court Collegium comprising Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi, Justices A K Sikri and Justice S A Bobde in a meeting of the Collegium held on February 12, 2019 took certain decisions for the appointment of judges in the five High Courts- Allahabad High Court, Kerala High Court, Calcutta High Court, Madhya Pradesh High Court and Orissa High Court.


Allahabad High Court


Of the 16 names of advocates recommended by the Collegium of Allahabad High Court, the Supreme Court Collegium has on February 12, 2019, recommended names of 10 advocates for the elevation as the judges of the Allahabad High Court. They are-

  • Vipin Chandra Dixit,
  • Ramanand Pandey
  • Shekhar Kumar Yadav
  • Ravi Nath Tilhari,
  • Deepak Verma,
  • Gautam Chaudhary,
  • Manish Kumar,
  • Vivek Ratan Agrawal,
  • Samit Gopal, and
  • Alok Kumar Yadav



As regards advocate Dinesh Pathak, the Supreme Court Collegium has decided to defer the proposal for being taken up on receipt of report/comments from the Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court on certain unconfirmed inputs.

As regards advocates Vivek Prasad Mathur, Sudeep Kumar, Sunil Kumar (Mishra), and Ashish Pandey, the SC Collegium after having regard to all relevant factors and the material decided to remit to the Allahabad High Court the proposal for their elevation.

Advocate Manish Goyal withdrawn his consent for being considered as a Judge of the Allahabad High Court, thus, SC Collegium did not go into the merit of the proposal for his elevation.

Pertinently, Supreme Court Collegium also records “The Collegium has duly taken note of the fact that net professional income of some of the recommendees is less than the prescribed minimum income limit of Rs.7 lacs. The Collegium considers it appropriate to relax the income criterion to a reasonable extent in cases where such recommendees belong to categories of SC/ST/OBC or represent Government in their capacity as Standing /Panel Counsel before the Courts”.

Supreme Court Collegium has also recommended name of a judicial officer-Ali Zamin, Judicial Officer, for the appointment as judge of the Allahabad High Court.


Kerala High Court



Of the 4 names of advocates- P.V. Kunhikrishnan, S. Ramesh, Viju Abraham and George Varghese, recommended by the Collegium of Kerala High Court, the Supreme Court Collegium has on February 12, 2019, reiterated its recommendation dated October 9, 2018 for appointment of advoacte P.V. Kunhikrishnan as a Judge of the Kerala High Court. Collegium has also asked government to process with his appointment expeditiously.

As regards advocate Viju Abraham, the Collegium decided to seek further information before final decision regarding his suitability for elevation is taken. The proposal for his elevation is accordingly deferred for the present by the Collegium.

As regards to advocates S. Ramesh, and George Varghese, SC Collegium decided to remit their names to the Kerala High Court.


Calcutta High Court



The Supreme Court Collegium considered the proposal of the Calcutta High Court for the elevation of a judicial officer Rabindranath Samanta as judge of the Calcutta High Court.

SC Collegium took a decision to have a fresh look by the High Court Collegium at the prospal of elevation of Rabindranath Samanta as judge of the Calcutta High Court.


Madhya Pradesh High Court



Supreme Court Collegium considered the name of two judicial officers- Rajendra Prasad Sharma and Rajesh Gupta, for the elevation as judges of the Madhya Pradesh High Court. However, after carefully scrutinized the material on record including the observations made by the Department of Justice in the file and having regard to all relevant factors, the Supreme Court Collegium decided to remit both the names to the Madhya Pradesh High Court.


Orissa High Court


Supreme Court Collegium decided to remit to the Orissa High Court the name of advocate Kali Prasanna Mishra.

The Leaflet