NGT issues bailable warrants against DM, North and Deputy Forest Conservator, New Delhi

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]HE National Green Tribunal (NGT), Principle Bench in Delhi has issued a bailable warrant against the District Magistrate, North and Deputy Conservator of Forest, New Delhi in a case relating to the demarcation, fencing and removal of encroachments in Delhi’s South Ridge.

A two-judge bench passed the order for their production on the next date of hearing after the two civil servants failed to appear before them to answer queries relating to the case.

“…we direct that bailable warrants be issued to the District Magistrate, North and Deputy Conservator of Forest, New Delhi for their production before the Tribunal on the next date of hearing, in the sum of Rs. 25,000/- to the satisfaction of the arresting Officer, in exercise of our powers and in terms of the provision of Section 19 (4) (a) of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 read with Order XVI Rule 10(3) and Section 151 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908,” the bench ordered, after the officers failed to pay heed to them.

It also called for the complete demarcation of the area in question, fencing of the entire area and removal of encroachments, while also directing the District Magistrate South, District Magistrate South-East and District Magistrate, New Delhi to file personal affidavits mentioning the total areas meant to be demarcated and the area remaining to be demarcated, as well as the encroachments identified, removed and yet to be removed.


Read the NGT order here:


The Leaflet