While hearing a plea seeking the release of journalist Siddique Kappan, the CJI told senior advocate Kapil Sibal, who was representing the petitioner, that the media had unfairly reported that the Court had in previous proceedings denied relief to Kappan. Before rising for the day, CJI reportedly also said he wrapped up all cases within 30 minutes, which itself was a record for him. Raju Z Moray, in his poetic style, reflects on the Court proceedings of the day.


Milord has risen early

Setting a new record

The list moved smoothly

Without any discord


Milord is quite quick

And ever so sporting

But he is often a victim

Of media’s wrong reporting


Milord loves to keep it simple

Likes counsel to be brief

Some people wrongly surmise

That he wants to deny relief


Milord is known to be jovial

He doesn’t like being stern

He knows haste is never good

Hence he likes to adjourn


Milord gives respondents

Sufficient time for a reply

And in fairness to Petitioners

He gives “Liberty to apply!”


Yet unfair men from media

Take audiences for a ride

With contumacious rumours

That Milord doesn’t decide!


(Raju Z Moray is an advocate who practices law in the Bombay High Court when not puncturing bloated egos. He is the creator of ‘Gobble D. Gook’, his alter-ego, who figured in the ‘Court Jester’ columns of ‘The Lawyers’.)

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