Kerala’s Left Democratic Front Shows an Alternative in Politics to the Country

Local polls results vindicate govt’s pro-people policies writes BINOY VISWAM.


The people of Kerala have once again proclaimed their political determination by giving a thumping victory to the Left Democratic Front (LDF) in the local self-government elections. 

It was so convincing, that out of 14 district panchayats LDF could win 11. Out of 152 block panchayats, LDF will be ruling in 108 block panchayats. Total number of gram panchayats in Kerala is 941. Out of these LDF got the mandate to rule in 514 Gram Panchayats. LDF is leading in five out of six corporations. Coming to municipalities, the number is 35 out of 86. 

This mandate of the people has far reaching significance in the political scenario of the state. It tells India that the left bastion of the country remains intact. Election results will definitely provide a new impetus to the left democratic forces in the state to continue their voyage in the right direction.  

The magnitude of the LDF victory is doubled in the background of tirades against the Left, unleashed by right reactionary forces across the country. 

This mandate of the people has far reaching significance in the political scenario of the state. It tells India that the left bastion of the country remains intact.

The RSS-controlled BJP and its government at Centre were doing overtime work to tarnish the image of the only left government in the country.  All sorts of unfounded allegations were charged against the government. Investigating agencies controlled by the central government were let loose to create smoke screens.  The propaganda mills were active in spreading false information to deceive people of the state. But people remained unruffled and stand with the Left.  

The politics of Kerala is polarised between the LDF and the Congress-led UDF since last two decades. 

In the making of modern Kerala, the struggles and sacrifices of the Left had a major role. As a result, people elected communists to power in 1957 itself. That was the first government in the country to address the land-related questions. The government led by EMS Namboodiripad was dismissed by the central government in 1959 itself. It was the first occasion when the Central Government dismissed an elected government of a state invoking Article 356 of the Constitution. 

Investigating agencies controlled by the central government were let loose to create smoke screens.  The propaganda mills were active in spreading false information to deceive people of the state. But people remained unruffled and stand with the Left.  

The wrath of the landlords and communal casteist forces was the reason behind the undemocratic action. The dream of land reforms initiated by the first communist government of 1957 remained unfulfilled. 

But not for long! 

It was accomplished by the government led by CPI leader C Achutha Menon in 1970s. Following land reforms, a saga of pro-people path of development was initiated in Kerala. The governments led by communist leaders like EMS, C Achutha Menon, P K Vasudevan Nair, E K Nayanar, V S Achuthananthan and now Pinarayi Vijayan showed the country an alternative path of development.

People and their causes are the focus of the left governments, while the governments led by Congress and BJP were serving the interests of the rich and the privileged.  

The Left-led governments always considered the interests of the poor and the unprivileged as the primary task of governance.  That difference is fundamental in determining the politics of the right and Left. The present LDF government is upholding the proven path of people-oriented development, one of the characteristics of the Left. 

People and their causes are the focus of the left governments, while the governments led by Congress and BJP were serving the interests of the rich and the privileged.  

The achievements of the Pinarayi Vijayan government were there before the people that were reflected in their voting. 

In every walk of life, the LDF government stood as a model for the country.  

In fighting COVID-19, the Kerala model was appreciated by the whole world. 

When the farmers of India are fighting against the farm laws, Kerala has ensured a different treatment for them. The LDF government has guaranteed a Minimum Support Price not only for rice but also for vegetables and fruits. Apart from insurance and pension for farmers, royalty is given to them for farming. 

Public education system in Kerala in many cases has touched international standards. The massive housing scheme for the poor and landless, first initiated by CPI leader M N Govindan Nair in 1970s, the present left government has taken it forward under LIFE mission where tens of thousands were given shelter. 

The credibility of Congress has crumbled into pieces because of its blind and unrealistic vengeance towards the Left. It has forced them to go to any extent of opportunism. 

The local self-governments also recorded great advancements under the Left. 

All these collectively resulted in the present victory.  

It was a combined opportunistic alliance of reactionary forces fighting the LDF in this election. 

In many places Congress and BJP were having an undeclared, unholy alliance which was born out of their anti-Left frenzy. Congress had openly declared understanding with political outfits of Jamaat-e-Islami and SDPI.  

But the people gave them a befitting reply. 

The credibility of Congress has crumbled into pieces because of its blind and unrealistic vengeance towards the Left. It has forced them to go to any extent of opportunism. 

The governments of right at the Centre and various states are functioning as servants of market and profit mongers, the political responsibility of the Left is to develop an alternative narrative of growth. 

The ideological confusion that has engulfed the Congress at national level was more obvious in this Kerala election. The BJP, though defeated, is trying hard to make its presence felt in Kerala. In different districts in different degrees they made some impact also. With their venomous ideology and huge resources RSS-BJP is likely to concentrate more on Kerala.  The left and democratic forces of the state should be aware of this fact and be alert always to prevent this party of fascist ideology from vitiating the social fabric of Kerala

At this moment of victory, the Left in the state should re-dedicate all its strength and vitality in the service of people.  

It must always be kept in mind that what the Left does in Kerala is not for the state only but for the whole country.  The governments of right at the Centre and various states are functioning as servants of market and profit mongers, the political responsibility of the Left is to develop an alternative narrative of growth. 

And the Left growth trajectory would always have people, not profits at its heart. The masses voted for the Left to ensure that difference.  (IPA)

(Binoy Viswam is a Member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha from the Communist Party of India. Views are personal.)

The Leaflet