Delhi HC Bar Association to abstain from work tomorrow against the proposal to transfer Justice S Muralidhar

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]HE Delhi High Court Bar Association (DHCBA) has expressed its shock and condemned the transfer of Justice S. Muralidhar to the Punjab and Haryana High Court by the Supreme Court’s Collegium.

In an urgent meeting of the Executive Committee of DHCA held today, it has been resolved that its members to abstain from work tomorrow i.e. February 20, 2020, as a token of protest as the said transfer, according to DHCA, is rarest of rare case-the majesty of revered institution is at stake.

DHCBA in its resolution has also said that it hopes that Collegium would revisit the issue and recall such a move to transfer Justice Muralidhar.

The Supreme Court Collegium in its meeting held on February 12, 2020, recommended transfer of Delhi High Court judge Justice S. Muralidhar to the Punjab and Haryana High Court. Justice Murlidhar is the third senior-most judge in the Delhi High Court.

The Collegium has also recommended the transfer of the third senior-most judge of the Bombay High Court, Justice Ranjit V More to the Meghalaya High Court even as the senior-most judge of the Karnataka High Court Justice Ravi Vijaykumar Malimath has been recommended for the Uttarakhand High Court.


Also read: Collegium recommends transfer of Delhi HC Judge Justice Muralidhar, Bombay HC Judge Justice Ranjit More & Karnataka HC Justice Ravi Vijaykumar Malimath

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