There’s nothing as tempting
As a Milord about to retire
Because the Powers control
What many secretly aspire.
As retirement creeps closer
Judgments may become odd
And if it serves their interest
Justice is ridden roughshod.
At the apex of many a career
There is nothing left to lose
So why not show some loyalty
And prove to be of good use?
Everyone loves loyal animals
Helps them unwind and unclog
For guarding a master’s interest
Nothing to beat a friendly dog.
Trained canines know their jobs
They can bark with all their might
And if their masters give a signal
They are ready to attack and bite.
Good masters do care for pets
It’s like giving dues to the devil
Even ferocious dogs who retire
Are given a comfortable kennel.
Those whom we expected to be
Our “Sentinels on the qui vive”
At the slightest hint of a sinecure
Are ready to enthusiastically dive.
(Raju Z. Moray is a Mumbai-based lawyer who enjoys writing poems. He is the author of two books ‘Court Jester'(2017) and ‘The Locked Down Lawyer'(2020))