Representative Image Only

Milord’s nightmare

Watching shocking news
Streaming from everywhere
Milord in sleep was subjected
To a frightening nightmare

He knew that human species
Were never up to much good
But he had never anticipated
Turmoil in the neighbourhood

In his nightmare he watched
Oppressors being hounded
Sacrosanct seats of justice
Being gheraoed, surrounded

Mobs of angry young people
With no pending matter or lis
Were knocking on court’s door
Screaming “We want justice!”

None had followed procedure
No one had paid court fees
But they had swords and guns
How does one deal with these?

Nightmare then turned violent
Milord saw Chief on the run
Chased by a frenzied mob
With a minor carrying a gun!

Hearing Chief’s cry for help
Milord woke up with a jolt
Was relieved to be in a country
Which suffered but didn’t revolt..

Raju Moray writes a regular column for The Leaflet, titled ‘Adalat Antics‘.

If you love the smell of paper along with spicy satire and the ring of laughter, Raju Moray’s new book Tales of Law & Laughter is out now.

The Leaflet