Law of Continuity

How long should tenures be?
Should they be three plus three?
This momentous question was
Answered by the Law of Continuity!

It is now not justified to assume
That people don’t like old faces
The tried and tested are required
For occupying all the high places

Some however felt it necessary
To permit the tired some cooling
But the old who are young at heart
Felt that someone was just fooling

Though we love the incumbents
Good new blood is also welcome
But test of competence remains
The capacity to generate income!

Trust milords to solve problems
Of the powerful ones in a real fix
They were hoping for extra runs
Milords have signalled six plus six!

Next change which we may see
(Though we can’t bet on the odds)
Are benefits of ‘Law of Continuity’
Being extended to all the milords!